Localization of Oracle JD Edwards Enterprise One 9.2 for Ukraine

Oracle JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 9.2 localization package provides a set of objects for accounting and tax accounting in accordance with the requirements of legislation of Ukraine.

The presence of developed Oracle JD Edwards EnterpriseOne localization enables RBC group consultants to implement financial modules of the system within more tight time frames and support more qualitative approach to the implementation of accounting and tax accounting, data consolidation and integration with international accounting standards. Oracle JD Edwards EnterpriseOne localization package for Ukraine includes more than thirty-five primary forms of documents and standard reports that are fully integrated with the system modules, namely:

Title of the primary document (report, annex) Description Interaction with Oracle JD Edwards Enterprise One modules
Order A document that is used to fix a preliminary agreement with the buyer about the intention of purchasing the goods (works, services). Sales Management
Invoice for payment Document on the basis of which money is transferred for goods (works, services) Sales Management
Tax invoice Tax document for goods delivered (services rendered), as well as for the amount of money that was received as a preliminary payment Sales Management
Adjustments calculation Tax document certifying the change in quantitative and cost indicators in the tax invoice Sales Management
Waybill A document intended for processing operations for the release and receipt of goods from the warehouse Sales Management
Certificate of completion Document confirming the fact of performed works or provided services to the customer Sales Management
Commodity-transport waybill Used for accounting of inventory movements involving vehicles Sales Management
Power of Attorney A document issued by one person to another for the purpose of representing the latter before third parties (for example, receipt of inventory from the supplier) General Accounting
Power of attorney log journal Used to register issued powers of attorney and confirmation of receipt General Accounting
List of Inventory Asset It is used to reflect the actual availability of inventories Inventory Management
Payment Order Settlement document, reflecting the written order to the bank to transfer the amount of money to the beneficiary Localization
Cash receipt note The document of the primary accounting records of cash operations, over which the funds are received in the cash department of the company


Cash issue note The document of the primary accounting records of cash operations, over which cash withdrawal is made from the company’s office


Cash book A form for the reflection of cash operations, which takes into account all receipts and issuance of money Localization
Credit slip It is intended for registration of the goods receipt to the warehouse Inventory Management
Write off of inventories Certificate Used to file a decision for an inventory write off Inventory Management
Advance Report Primary account document confirming the expenditure of advance payments of accountable amounts with the attached voucher (supporting documents) General Accounting
The register of tax invoices It is intended for registration of tax invoices with advance payments, purchase and sale of goods (works, services) Localization
Reconciliation statement with the buyer The document, which is made for displaying the calculations with the buyer within the specified period Localization
Reconciliation Statement with the Supplier The document, which is made for displaying the calculations with the supplier within the specified period Localization
Refund from Buyer slip Document accompanying operations when returning goods from the buyer Sales Management
Return delivery slip Document accompanying operations for the transfer of goods to the supplier Procurement Management
Requisition and issue slip ( Consignment note for internal handling) The document used for accounting of material assets movement within the organization Inventory Management
Inventory Card Used to account for all types of fixed assets that are put into operation Fixed Assets
Acceptance-transfer (internal movement) of fixed assets Certificate Primary account document confirming acceptance or transfer of fixed assets Fixed Assets
Fixed Assets write off certificate Primary accounting document confirming write-off of fixed assets Fixed Assets
Depreciation sheet Used to analyze data on fixed assets accounting, tax and corporate accounting Fixed Assets
Fixed assets inventory register The form is used to reflect the actual availability of fixed assets Fixed Assets
Form 1 Balance Report on the current information about the property of the company Localization
Form 2 Profit & Loss statement A report that shows the company’s revenues, expenses, financial results for the reporting period Localization
Form 3 Statement of cash flows The company’s report on the sources of funds, cash receipts and payments with a classification by the main areas during the period Localization
Form 4 Statement of equity Statement showing changes in equity of the enterprise during the reporting period Localization
Account analysis statement Report containing the account turnover with other accounts, turnover for the billing period, balances at the beginning and end of the period General Accounting
Account Card The report reflects balances at the beginning and end of the period of time, turnovers and residues after each entry General Accounting
Report on the terms of debt occurrence The report, which details the accounts receivable by dates of occurrence (or periods) and documents Localization
Data exchange with client-bank systems The application for the exchange of payment orders between Oracle JD Edwards Enterprise One and client-bank systems Localization
Exchange of tax invoices Application for the exchange of issued and received tax invoices within a single tax ledger register Localization

Within the frame of localization project a full integration of the solution with the standard modules of Oracle JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system has been completed, which is confirmed by multilevel system testing procedures.

During implementation project, RBC Group provides advice on the compliance of Oracle JD Edwards Enterprise One software suite with the legislation of Ukraine, adaptation of the system settings and reports to the existing business processes of the Customer.


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