RBC HCM Solution is a functionally rich, flexible and easily manageable product. It is intended for use in medium and large sized companies, in multi-national corporations and joint ventures. Distinguishing features are:
- Comprehensive analysis capabilities;
- Large hardware platform availability;
- Open data access coupled with comprehensive security;
- Multi-currency;
- Multiple language support;
- Adaptable to legislation of any country;
- Adaptable to different calculation and reporting requirements;
- Multi-screen employee references entry;
- Multi-level set-up of additions/deductions/company payments (tables and algorithms);
- Customizable entry screen forms;
- Payroll and company payment calculation with retroactive processing capabilities;
- Customizable payroll information transfer to the general ledger;
- Interfaces with different corporate information systems, like ERP SAP, Oracle, Oracle, Infor, Microsoft Dynamics and possible integration with virtually any other corporate accounting software;
- HCM comprises the Report Generator adapted to the HR & Payroll data. Reports on any entered data can be generated;
- Technically, the client-server solution of the system can work using ‘thin’ or ‘thick’ client, Citrix technology;
- Mechanism for creation of documents (orders, contracts etc.) using MS Word templates;
- Integration with MS Excel, allowing to transport information from the screen instantly to the Excel worksheet and produce report;
RBC HCM Payroll module is a flexible and easy-to-control module of a wide functionality. It includes a powerful generator of inner reports and documents. Together with the payroll calculation engine, there also comes a database accommodated to the requirements of local legislation and report. This database includes basic definitions of income and deduction, tables of taxes and other company’s payments, algorithms for calculation of all kinds of income and deductions, as well as a set of documents and reports that are made according to the local legislation. Payroll system includes employee basic data: employee code, bank information, rates, address, name, surname and other information necessary for payroll calculation.
The module has an in-built report generator which provides the opportunity of creating reports on any catalogue or payroll journal information, free grouping of information in different levels, setting up selection criteria for all statement and separately for each data item of statements. Payroll reports can be obtained in any currency regardless of the currency it was calculated in. Payroll Module is easy-to-translate and it is adaptable to legislation of different countries.
It provides an outstanding capability of calculating payroll throughout various complexity levels – considering work shifts, worked overtime hours, piecework, possible settlements through barter and all other variants.
RB Payroll data analysis tools provide an opportunity of thorough results’ analysis and acquisition of reports in different aspects and groups. RB Payroll allows classifying information by different aspects
The module is an open system that has a fully controllable interface, compatible with other systems without doing any additional programming.
RBC HCM WTR module (Work Time Recording) allows users to perform work-time recording.
Using timesheet allows supervisors and timekeepers to accomplish time recording at the workplaces and on the shop floors.
Timesheet entry was specifically designed to simplify and accelerate user’s work. Time recording is based on deviations recording; in other words, timesheet is filled by default values (work-time standards, assigned rates, grades etc.). If required, user can make necessary changes to WTR settings (multiple data/employees changes can be accomplished at the same time). Each record includes worked out time, rate and rate type, working time type (operating time, vacation, absence), 14 analysis categories, etc.
Time recording also allows to record working time even while performing the following changes: schedule change in the middle of the month, rate change, transfer to another subdivision or employee begins to work in different places at the same time.
This version of the software also contains the piecework orders processing capabilities: production output tracking (in items, kilograms, etc), work order calculation and cost center allocation.
RBC HCM Human Resources Module is designed for input, storage and analysis of the personnel information as well as certain complex functions performing:
- Company structure management;
- Position management;
- Vacancies management;
- Employee rotation;
- Assignments and transfers;
- Employee personal data management;
- Vacation planning and registration;
- Business trip planning and registration;
- Employees education, training & development;
- Employees knowledge and skills;
- Orders, agreements and reports generation and processing;
- Salary, training, business trip budgeting;
- Certification;
- Encouragements and punishments;
- Medical insurance;
- Registration of sicknesses and absences;
- Other info.
HR allows tracking the information flows through the various stages with mutual links saved. For example: vacancy-interview-hiring-transfer-firing. HR information is stored in the Personal Data Cards, which are determined by the user. The user can create the unlimited number of cards – up to 15 fields of the personal data in each card. The personal data card can be “adhered” to the employee personal data or can be autonomous.
RBC HCM Document Flow The module enables automatic creation of any type of HR/Payroll related documents. The module supports several different statuses of a document (e.g., public, confidential, for internal use, archive, etc). Customizable procedures of document flow (e.g., approval, acceptance, entry into force) enable automation of the routine processes, allowing different actions to be made at certain stages. The module has interface with Microsoft Office (Word / Excel). Documents prepared using this interface can be created in MS Word / Excell.